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About The Anthologies

The DTM Anthology Collection was a dream born out of Jessica Buchanan's own self-abandonment experience and how she found her way back to the mountaintop of self-love.


She is now committed to helping other women tell that story as well.

Marble Surface

Every woman has a story to tell. 

The Anthology Experience

Our Anthology Projects are a collection of beautifully crafted stories accompanied by a highly curated experience for each author. From writing coaching to developmental editing with copyeditors to a day of filming for the book trailer, we are building a community of accomplished women writers.


We consider this a "Masterclass in Memoir Writing" with a bestselling book as a final product. 

And you're not alone. One of the most memorable components of the writing your chapter is the community of like-minded women with you on the journey. 

Project Includes:

  • One narrative chapter contribution with comprehensive editing, feedback and developmental support  

  • Two 1-on-1 coaching sessions with professional speaker, NYT and Bestselling author and writing coach, Jessica Buchanan

  • One 90-minute Writing Workshop Group Session

  • Four more group coaching and feedback sessions including writing support, marketing and PR instructions, audiobook training, and more.

  • Peer support for chapter submission

  • Option to participate in a Video Trailer promoting book

  • Production, publishing and uploading of all versions of Deserts to Mountaintops for worldwide distribution through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Ingram and other trade outlets

  • Advance copies available at wholesale prices for your own personal distribution and sale

  • Audio book publishing support upload on Audible: You buy your equipment and we professionally edit your chapter

  • Amazon Bestseller Campaign

  • Branded social media assets personalized and curated to promote the project and your new role as a BEST SELLING AUTHOR!

  • The opportunity to expand your audience and network by 20x through cross promotion with other collaborating authors 

  • The guarantee of becoming a BEST SELLING AUTHOR on Amazon

  • The opportunity to create sacred community with other inspiring women authors on the collective theme of reclaiming your body

  • A personalized PR and marketing package designed specifically for this project that you can use to launch your work upon publication

  • Exclusive interview on Deserts to Mountaintops Podcast

  • An epic In-person launch to celebrate the publishing of book

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We are looking for the women who...

  • Have journeyed from a desert to a mountaintops and can write about a theme from her story. We are very open to your interpretation of how you have journeyed the sacred path your mountaintops.


  • Have courageously reclaimed herself, but doesn't have enough material for their own book or Memoir Manifesto, YET.


  • Are looking to launch into the professional speaking world and are in need of published assets to establish credibility.


  • Are in need of building their network, audience and social media platforms in order to meet future professional goals.


  • Would benefit from coaching support from a professional speaker, NYT and Amazon bestselling author.


  • Would flourish with group support and peer feedback as they compose and share their stories with the world.


  • Would love the opportunity to become a bestselling author.


  • Would benefit from learning the ins and outs of book marketing, promotion and PR (think of this as an investment in your future profession)


  • Feel compelled to heal with their personal stories of transformation in order to advocate, educate, inspire and empower other women to do the same.


  • Have always dreamed of holding their own published works in their hands and thrive in groups of supportive women.

Learn more about the next anthology:

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